The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the massive shortcomings of health systems globally, particularly in Nigeria with weak healthcare infrastructure, high population, and chronic high morbidity and mortality from the double burden of infectious and non-infectious causes. Many routine and elective services were suspended or withdrawn, and existing delivery approaches adapted to the evolving COVID-19 pandemic across all the states in Nigeria. Preventive programs such as screening were completely suspended. The vaccination schedules were missed for many children due to the closure of the immunization clinics. Many Nigerian children being liable to infections, alongside a reduction in the possibility of child survival. Funds to manage the COVID-19 pandemic were donated from internal organizations and corporate agencies. However, the modalities involved in the disbursement of these funds were not publicly revealed by the Nigerian government. Therefore, we recommend optimal allocation of inadequate health resources in ways that maximize health care delivery benefits to the greatest number of people, give priority to the worst off, ensure equality and promote continued care provision for non-COVID-19 conditions, including pregnancy and chronic conditions. To ensure the improved trust of Nigerians and donor agencies and organizations, accountability on all funds should be ensured by the Nigerian government. For this cause, such funds should be committed into the hands of trustworthy and expert finance managers and infectious disease experts.