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Published: 2024-08-31

The experiences of adult children caring for a parent with Korsakoff’s syndrome

Professional Wellness Management, Weddington, North Carolina, United States
Behavioral Health Sciences, University of California, Berkeley Extension, California, United States
Generic Qualitative, Korsakoff’s Syndrome, Adult Child, Caregiver, Alcohol Use Disorder, United States


Background: Korsakoff’s syndrome (KS) is a debilitating psychoneurological disorder that can occur in adults with alcohol use disorder (AUD). People with KS experience a sudden onset of symptoms including confabulation, anterograde and retrograde amnesias, apathy, issues with vision and gait, and lack of insight. Frequently an adult child of the parent with alcohol-induced KS becomes the caregiver, regardless of the status or quality of the relationship with their parent. While there is a rich literature base in the areas of adult children of parents with AUD and caregiving, there are no studies that have explored the experiences of adult children caring for a parent with alcohol-induced KS. This study aimed to explore the experiences of adult children who provide care for a parent or parental figure suffering from alcohol-induced Korsakoff syndrome (KS).

Method: This study used a generic qualitative approach with thematic analysis using both in person and web-based video interview methods and field notes to address this gap in the literature. Eight individuals participated in the study, men (n=2) and women (n=6), with participants ranging in age from 31 to 43 years (average age 37 years).

Results: Five themes emerged: addiction and the adult child, experiencing caregiver burden, experiencing a variety of emotions, professional healthcare experiences, and observations of symptoms. These themes emerged over seven anchor events in their caregiving experiences: interactions with their parent pre-diagnosis, parent’s medical emergency, hospitalization, diagnosis, housing, legal, and financial.

Conclusion: The results provide a foundation for future research in the areas of KS, caregiving, and adult children of parents with AUD. They also provide a basis to inform the development of interventions with this population and demonstrate a need for more awareness of KS among healthcare professionals.



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How to Cite

Auslander J, Piotrowski N. The experiences of adult children caring for a parent with Korsakoff’s syndrome . J Ideas Health [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 19];7(4):1114-22. Available from: